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PE Substitution

PE Substitution Request Form


A student in grades 9-12, may submit a request to the Physical Education Department Chair to be excused from physical education courses for the reasons stated below.

  • Ongoing participation in a marching band program for credit *
  • Ongoing participation in an interscholastic or extracurricular athletic program (IHSA organized school-sponsored or school-sanctioned activities for students that are not part of the curriculum, not graded, not for credit, generally take place outside of school instructional hours, and under the direction of a coach, athletic director, or band leader) *
  • Enrollment in academic classes that are required for admission to an institution of higher learning, or 
  • Enrollment in academic classes that are required for graduation from high school, provided that failure to take such classes will result in the student being unable to graduate

* A student seeking a substitution for an IHSA-sanctioned athletics or marching band will be assigned to study hall during their PE period.


At the end of the sports season, the student will return to their physical education class the day after the last scheduled event.  If the student is removed from or quits the team, they will be expected to return to their assigned physical education class immediately. 

The semester grade of “P (passing)/F (failing)” will be issued for the time the student attended their PE class. 

Students exempt from a winter sport must reapply at the beginning of the second semester and report to their scheduled physical education class on the first day of the second semester.